Шановні друзі!15 грудня 2024 року у м.Києві відбудеться кінологічний племінний захід з присудженням титулу «кандидат в Чемпіони України» (ранг САС) КРИШТАЛЕВИЙ КУБОК УКРАЇНИ – 2024!
Будемо раді бачити вас та ваших с...
ЧЕМПІОНАТИ УКРАЇНИ (ранг САС) 15.12.2024
Шановні друзі!15.12.2024Кінологічний племінний захід ЧЕМПІОНАТИ УКРАЇНИ (ранг САС):
неділя, 15 грудня
Дубовенко Ігор
Американська акіта
Дубовенко Ігор
Бішон фрізе
Гвоздєва Марія...
Шановні друзі! 14 грудня 2024 року у м.Києві відбудеться кінологічний племінний захід з присудженням титулу «кандидат в Чемпіони України» (ранг САС) КИЇВСЬКА РУСЬ-2024. КУБОК ПРЕЗИДЕНТА КСУ!
Будемо раді бачити вас та ваших собак за звичн...
ЧЕМПІОНАТИ УКРАЇНИ (ранг САС) 14.12.2024
Шановні друзі!14.12.2024Кінологічний племінний захід ЧЕМПІОНАТИ УКРАЇНИ (ранг САС):
субота, 14 грудня
Вест хайленд вайт тер'єр
Ковальова Наталія
Калініченко Галина
Зененхунди (всі)
Міжнародна виставка рангу FCI-САСІВ «Кубок Рівненщини»
Рівненський обласний осередок ВГО КСУ сердечно запрошує вас прийняти участь у традиційних та улюблених виставках собак усіх порід FCI-САСІВ «Кубок Рівненщини»!15 травня 2022 рокуМіжнародна виставка рангу FCI-САСІВ «Кубок Рівнен...
Рівненський обласний осередок ВГО КСУ сердечно запрошує вас прийняти участь у традиційних та улюблених виставках собак усіхпорід! МОНОПОРОДНІ ВИСТАВКИ:• Лабрадор ретривер• Німецька вівчарка• Кане корсо• Німецький шпіц
Рівненський обласний осередок ВГО КСУ сердечно запрошує вас прийняти участь у традиційних та улюблених виставках собак усіх порід САС-UA «Скарби Суренжу»!14 травня 2022 рокуНаціональна виставка рангу САС-UA «Скарби Суренжу» та...
Рівненський обласний осередок ВГО КСУ сердечно запрошує вас прийняти участь у традиційних та улюблених виставках собак усіх порід!14 травня 2022 рокуМОНОПОРОДНІ ВИСТАВКИ: • Французький Бульдог • Американська акіта • Акіта • Кавале...
FCI-CACIB «Ukraine - 2022»
The biggest in Ukraine dog shows – traditional International Dog Shows of all breeds “Golden Gate 2022”, “Ukraine 2022” will be held on the 16th - 17th of April 2022 at the International Exhibition Cent...
The National Championships of Ukraine 17.04.2022
The National Championships of Ukraine for the breeds:
American Staffordshire Terrier
American Bulli
Yorkshire Terrier
Deutsche Dogge
German Boxer
Continental Toy Spaniel
French Bulldog
FCI-CACIB "Golden Gates - 2022"
The biggest in Ukraine dog shows – traditional International Dog Shows of all breeds “Golden Gate 2022”, “Ukraine 2022” will be held on the 16th - 17th of April 2022 at the International Exhibition Cent...
The National Championships of Ukraine 16.04.2022
The National Championships of Ukraine for the breeds:
Australian Shepherd
Alaskan Malamute
American Cocker Spaniel
Cane Da Pastore Maremmano-Abruzzese
English Cocker Spaniel
Chow Chow
Dogo De Bordeaux
Jack Russell Terri...
Crystal Cup of Ukraine 2021
The biggest in Ukraine dog shows – traditional International Dog Shows of all breeds “Kyivan Rus 2021” and “Crystal Cup of Ukraine 2021” , will be held on the 11th - 12th of December 2021 at the International...
The National Championships of Ukraine 12th of December 2021
The National Championships of Ukraine for the breeds:
American Staffordshire Terrier
American Bulli
Yorkshire Terrier
Deutsche Dogge
German Boxer
Continental Toy Spaniel
French Bulldog
Russian Black Terrier...
Kyivan Rus 2021
The biggest in Ukraine dog shows – traditional International Dog Shows of all breeds “Kyivan Rus 2021” and “Crystal Cup of Ukraine 2021” , will be held on the 11th - 12th of December 2021 at the International...
The National Championships of Ukraine 11th of December 2021
The National Championships of Ukraine for the breeds:
Australian Shepherd
Alaskan Malamute
American Cocker Spaniel
Cane Da Pastore Maremmano-Abruzzese
English Cocker Spaniel
Chow Chow
Dogo De Bordeaux
Jack Russell Terri...
Golden Pektoral 2021
The biggest in Ukraine dog shows – traditional International Dog Shows of all breeds “Golden Gate 2021”, “Ukraine 2021” and “Golden Pectorale 2021”, will be held on the 27th - 29th of August 2021...
Ukraine 2021
Dear friends!
International Dog Shows of all breeds
2хFCI-САCIB «Golden Gates – 2021» and «Ukraine - 2021», Championships of Ukraine on separate breeds will be held on August 27-28, 2021
Entry for FCI-САCIB...
The National Championships of Ukraine 28.08.2021
Griffon`s (all)
Golden Retriever
Caucasian Shepherd Dog
Italian Corso Dog
Chinese Crested Dog
Central Asian Shepherd Dog
Schnauzers (All)
Shih Tzu
German Spitz.
Club Shows:
American Cocker Spaniel (club CH)
Golden Gates 2021
Dear friends!
International Dog Shows of all breeds
2хFCI-САCIB «Golden Gates – 2021» and «Ukraine - 2021», Championships of Ukraine on separate breeds will be held on August 27-28, 2021
Entry for FCI-САCIB...
The National Championships of Ukraine 27.08.2021
American Akita
Bichon Frise
West Highland White Terrier
East-European Shepherd Dog
Sennenhunds (All)
Labrador Retriever
German Shepherd Dog
Miniature Pinscher
Scottish Terrier
Championship for English Shepherd Dogs (Bearde...
Ласкаво просимо та традиційні травневі виставки собак усіх порід, що проводяться Рівненським обласним осередком ВГО КСУ 15-16 травня 2021 року! Міжнародна виставка собак усіх порід рангу FCI-САСІВ «Кубок Рівненщини» та блок монопородних...
Монопородні виставки 16.05.2021
Монопородні виставки в рамках FCI-САСІВ «Кубок Рівненщини»
Російський Чорний Тер’єр
Лабрадор ретривер
Німецька вівчарка
Ласкаво просимо та традиційні травневі виставки собак усіх порід, що проводяться Рівненським обласним осередком ВГО КСУ 15-16 травня 2021 року! Національна виставка рангу САС-UA «Скарби Суренжу» та блок монопородних виставок:
Монопородні виставки 15.05.2021
Монопородні виставки 15.05.2021 Монопородні виставки в рамках САС-UA «Скарби Суренжу»
Французький Бульдог
Бернський Зененхунд
Американська акіта
Російський чорний тер’єр – ранг ПК
The National Championships of Ukraine (13.12.20)
Shows are transferred to other dates in March/April 2021. Please follow the news for exact dates.
The National Championships of Ukraine for the breeds:
December 13
American Staffordshire Terrier,
The National Championships of Ukraine (12.12.20)
Shows are transferred to other dates in March/April 2021. Please follow the news for exact dates.
The National Championships of Ukraine for the breeds:
December 12
Australian Shepherd
Alaskan Malamute,
American Cocker...
“Ukraine 2020”
Dear Exhibitors!
ONLY BY JULY 31!If you registered your dog online (entered the information paid on the web-site mydogex.com) for the 2xCACIB “Golden Gates 2020” and “Ukraine 2020” as well as the Championships of Ukraine for...
The National Championships of Ukraine (30.08.20)
Dear Exhibitors!
ONLY BY JULY 31!If you registered your dog online (entered the information paid on the web-site mydogex.com) for the 2xCACIB “Golden Gates 2020” and “Ukraine 2020” as well as the Championships of Ukraine for...
The National Championships of Ukraine (29.08.20)
Dear Exhibitors!
ONLY BY JULY 31!If you registered your dog online (entered the information paid on the web-site mydogex.com) for the 2xCACIB “Golden Gates 2020” and “Ukraine 2020” as well as the Championships of Ukraine for...
“Golden Gates 2020”
Dear Exhibitors!
ONLY BY JULY 31!If you registered your dog online (entered the information paid on the web-site mydogex.com) for the 2xCACIB “Golden Gates 2020” and “Ukraine 2020” as well as the Championships of Ukraine for...
The National Championships of Ukraine (8.12.19)
The NationalChampionships of Ukrainefor the breeds: AlaskanMalamute, AmericanCocker Spaniel, AmericanStaffordshire Terrier,Chow Chow, Dogue DeBordeaux, Beagle,Bulldog, Bullmastiff,Dachshunds, YorkshireTerrier, Jack RussellTerrier, Pug, Great Dane,Ger...
“Kyivska Rus 2019”
The biggest in Ukraineand final dog shows of theyear – traditionalInternational Dog Showsof all breeds “Kyivska Rus2019” and “Crystal Cup ofUkraine 2019” will be heldon the 7th and 8th ofDecember 2019 at theInternational...
The National Championships of Ukraine (7.12.19)
The NationalChampionships of Ukrainefor the breeds: AlaskanMalamute, AmericanCocker Spaniel, AmericanStaffordshire Terrier,Chow Chow, Dogue DeBordeaux, Beagle,Bulldog, Bullmastiff,Dachshunds, YorkshireTerrier, Jack RussellTerrier, Pug, Great Dane,Ger...
“Sophia of Kyiv 2019”
Тraditional International Dog Shows of all breeds “Golden Pectoral 2019” on August 23, “Gold of Scythians 2019” on August 24 and “Sophia of Kyiv 2019” on August 25 with the specialties for several breeds......
Special shows (25.08.2019)
Miniature Pinscher
Siberian Husky
Tibetan Mastiff
French Bulldog
Chihuahua Longhaired
Chihuahua Shorthaired
Russian Black Terrier
“Gold of Scythians 2019”
Тraditional International Dog Shows of all breeds “Golden Pectoral 2019” on August 23, “Gold of Scythians 2019” on August 24 and “Sophia of Kyiv 2019” on August 25 with the specialties for several breeds......
Special shows (24.08.2019)
Yorkshire Terrier
Italian Corso Dog
Labrador Retriever
German Shepherd Long-Haired
German Shepherd Short-Haired
German Spitz
Dachshund Miniature S-H
Dachshund Miniature W-H
Dachshund Rabbit L-H
Dachshund Rabbit S-H
“Golden Pectoral 2019”
Тraditional International Dog Shows of all breeds “Golden Pectoral 2019” on August 23, “Gold of Scythians 2019” on August 24 and “Sophia of Kyiv 2019” on August 25 with the specialties for several breeds......
Special shows (23.08.2019)
American Staffordshire Terrier
Welsh Corgi Pembroke
Appenzell Cattle Dog
Bernese Mountain Dog
Entlebucher Cattle Dog
Great Swiss Mountain Dog
Golden Retriever
East European Shepherd
"Cup of Rivne" FCI-CACIB
Dear Friends! Welcome to our holiday! CAC, CACIB and 10 MONOFor you - excellent judge team and incredibly beautiful exhibition location - Hotel and restaurant complex "Skolmo"
25 may 2019 – National Dog Show CAC-UA and monobreed show...
Special Breed Show (26 may 2019), Rivne
Dear Friends! Welcome to FCI-CACIB and Special Breed Show 26 may 2019!
Labrador retrieverGerman ShepherdBelgian ShepherdYorkshire TerrierNewfoundland
"Treasures of Surenzh" CAC-UA, Rivne
Dear Friends! Welcome to our holiday! CAC, CACIB and 10 MONOFor you - excellent judge team and incredibly beautiful exhibition location - Hotel and restaurant complex "Skolmo"
25 may 2019 – National Dog Show CAC-UA and monobreed show...
Ukraine 2019
Our traditional International Dog Shows of all breeds “Ukraine 2019” and “Golden Gates 2019” will be held on the 20th and 21st of April 2019 at the International Exhibition Center by the address Brovarskiy Ave 15, Kyiv, Ukrain...
Special shows (21.04.2019)
Belgian Griffon
Brussels Griffon
Small Brabant Griffon
Golden Retriever
Caucasian Shepherd
Italian Cane Corso
Chinese Crested Dog
Golden Gates 2019
Our traditional International Dog Shows of all breeds “Ukraine 2019” and “Golden Gates 2019” will be held on the 20th and 21st of April 2019 at the International Exhibition Center by the address Brovarskiy Ave 15, Kyiv, Ukrain...
Special shows (20.04.2019)
American Akita
West Highland White Terrier
East European Shepherd
Labrador Retriever
German Shepherd
Miniature Pinscher
Scottish Terrier
Championship fo...
Crystal Cup of Ukraine 2018
The biggest in Ukraine and final dog shows of the year – traditional International Dog Shows of all breeds “Kyivska Rus 2018” and “Crystal Cup of Ukraine 2018” will be held on the 8th and 9th of December 2018 at...
Special shows (09.12.2018)
The National Championships of Ukraine for the breeds:
American Staffordshire Terrier
Yorkshire Terrier
Great Dane
German Boxer
Rhodesian R...
Dear Friends
Dog Breeders!
For the first time within the “Parade of the Champions” at the International Dog Show of all breeds “Crystal Cup of Ukraine 2018” which is to be on December 9, 2018 in Kyiv the competitions “...
Kyivska Rus 2018
The biggest in Ukraine and final dog shows of the year – traditional International Dog Shows of all breeds “Kyivska Rus 2018” and “Crystal Cup of Ukraine 2018” will be held on the 8th and 9th of December 2018 at...
Special shows (08.12.2018)
The National Championships of Ukraine for the breeds:
Alaskan Malamute,
American Cocker Spaniel,
Chow Chow,
Dogue De Bordeaux,
Russian Toy,
Jack Russell Terrier,
Tibetan Mastiff,
Siberian Hu...
Gold of Scythians 2018
Тraditional International Dog Shows of all breeds “Golden Pectoral 2018” on August 24 and “Gold of Scythians 2018” on August 26 with the specialties for several breeds... and.... for the first time ever in Ukraine the CUP OF C...
Special shows (26.08.2018)
Special and club shows (within the frames of the International shows) :
Italian Corso Dog
Tibetan Mastiff
Siberian Husky
Yorkshire Terrier
Miniature Pinscher
Chihuahua Longhaired
Chihuahua Shorthaired
Great Dane (Club Show)
Тraditional International Dog Shows of all breeds “Golden Pectoral 2018” on August 24 and “Gold of Scythians 2018” on August 26 with the specialties for several breeds... and.... for the first time ever in Ukraine the CUP OF C...
Golden Pectoral 2018
Тraditional International Dog Shows of all breeds “Golden Pectoral 2018” on August 24 and “Gold of Scythians 2018” on August 26 with the specialties for several breeds... and.... for the first time ever in Ukraine the CUP OF C...
Special shows (24.08.2018)
Special and club shows (within the frames of the International shows) :
East European Shepherd
German Shepherd Long-Haired
German Shepherd Short-Haired
Appenzell Cattle Dog
Bernese Mountain Dog
Entlebucher Cattle Dog
Great Swiss Mountain Dog...
“Golden Gates 2018”
Our traditional International Dog Shows of all breeds “Ukraine 2018” and “Golden Gates 2018” will be held on the 28th and 29th of April 2018 at the International Exhibition Center by the address Brovarskiy Ave 15, Kyiv, Ukrain...
American Bulldog
Golden Retriever
Caucasian Shepherd
Italian Corso Dog
Chinese Crested Dog
Central Asian Shepherd
Shih Tzu
“Golden Gates 2018”
Our traditional International Dog Shows of all breeds “Ukraine 2018” and “Golden Gates 2018” will be held on the 28th and 29th of April 2018 at the International Exhibition Center by the address Brovarskiy Ave 15, Kyiv, Ukrain...
Crystal Cup of Ukraine 2017
The biggest in Ukraine and final dog shows of the year – traditional International Dog Shows of all breeds “Kyivska Rus 2017” and “Crystal Cup of Ukraine 2017” will be held on the 2nd and 3rd of December 2017 at the Inte...
National Championship of Ukraine (day two)
National Championship of Ukraine is held within the framework of the Crystal Cup of Ukraine 2017. In this championship the following breeds take part:
American Staffordshire Terrier
Yorkshire Terrier&...
Kyivska Rus 2017
The biggest in Ukraine and final dog shows of the year – traditional International Dog Shows of all breeds “Kyivska Rus 2017” and “Crystal Cup of Ukraine 2017” will be held on the 2nd and 3rd of December 2017 at the Inte...
National Championship of Ukraine (the first day)
National Championship of Ukraine is held within the framework of the exhibition Kyivska Rusi 2017. The following breeds participate in this championship:
Alaskan Malamute
American Cocker Spaniel
Chow Chow
Dogue De Bord...
Euro Dog Show 2017
Euro Dog Show 2017 - is the annual all-European dog show. The exhibition will be held on August 24-27, 2017 in comfortable European-equipped pavilions of the best Kiev exhibition centre - International Exhibition Center.
Dear Exhibitors and...
CAC-UA (As part of EuroDogShow2017)
National Dog Show of all breeds of CAC-UA level will be held on August 25-26, Friday and
Saturday at the International Exhibition Center!
August 25
CAC- UA for the II, VIII, IX, X FCI groups and nationally recognized breeds
August 26
CAC- U...
CACIB (As part of EuroDogShow2017)
International Dog Show of all breeds of CACIB level will be held on August 24, Thursday at the
International Exhibition Center (Brovarsky ave 15)
4000 participants maximum!
CACIB awards by the FCI breed nomenclature!
One more chance to get the ti...